How To Organize A Rock Festival

How To Organize A Rock Festival
How To Organize A Rock Festival

Rock is a constantly evolving musical direction. Groups working in different directions of rock music appear constantly. This direction is considered one of the most democratic, and even teams working far from the capitals can create something interesting. Rock festival is a great opportunity to bring together several bands and show the public what is happening in this genre.

An open-air rock festival has its advantages
An open-air rock festival has its advantages

Under a roof or outdoors?

A rock festival can be held both in a house of culture, club or restaurant, and in the open air. In all these situations, the organizers have to solve different problems. The main advantage of the festival in the house of culture is that the organizer does not need to worry about finding premises, sound and lighting equipment, posters, tickets. In such institutions, the issue of security is usually resolved. It is enough to agree with the management of the cultural institution and write an application. This option is ideal if you want to recoup at least some of the costs from the audience. The main disadvantage is that not always everyone can get to such a concert. The open-air festival can accommodate as many people as you want, but there are several issues to be addressed:

- choice of location;

- stage rental;

- equipment rental;

- the possibility of reimbursement of expenses only at the expense of sponsorship funds;

- organization of security.

Seat selection

The place for open air can be anything: a city square, a shore of a reservoir, an abandoned military base. In the first case, it is best to contact the local administration with an appropriate proposal, because you need to choose the day when the area will be free, restrict the movement of vehicles for a while, negotiate with the police or private security. You should contact the department of culture or the department for youth policy. In the second case, the holding of the festival must be coordinated with the ecology department, especially if the place you like is located in the water protection zone. Finally, the third option is to coordinate the conduct with the department that owns the object.


Finding out where you can rent a stage is best in the cultural department. You can usually rent equipment at the nearest club. Take care of how you will connect this equipment. If a rock festival takes place in a city, it is enough to apply for an enterprise that serves the power grid. Do not try to connect the stage yourself, it should be done by a professional who has the appropriate license. For a festival outside of the city, you will most likely need a generator. It can be rented in any military unit or cultural institution. If you intend to hold festivals in the future, it is best to buy one, since it is relatively inexpensive, and you can find a generator in almost any gardening store.

Find sponsors

Perhaps this is one of the main questions. If you apply to the local administration with a proposal to hold a rock festival, it may be that small funds from the budget will be allocated to you. But in any case, it will not be a very large amount. Reach out to big entrepreneurs interested in advertising. These can be auto enterprises, manufacturers and sellers of clothing for young people, suppliers of computer equipment, and in general anyone who is interested in working with a youth audience. Branches of state corporations, where there are large trade union organizations and departments for work with youth, can also help.

Who is the name?

Decide if your festival will have a competition or just a big concert. In the first case, make sure that there is a sufficiently authoritative jury. Of course, it must include representatives of the organizations that helped you. But be sure to invite famous rock musicians and reputable critics. As for the participants themselves, try to pick up a variety of bands, unless of course your festival is limited to some one direction of rock music. Try to have both experienced masters and beginners participating in the concert.

Important little things

Do not forget to inform the public about the upcoming event. It is better to do this in advance so that people can plan their weekend. Order advertisements on radio and television. By the way, it does not necessarily have to be paid. You can contact one of the editorial offices and offer to make a news story. Create a festival group on social media - this is the most effective way to get notified right now. Do not forget to post there audio recordings of the participating groups, photos and videos. Think about paraphernalia too. Ordering badges, diplomas, T-shirts with logos and brochures is not a problem now, but production takes time.
