An obligatory attribute of almost every holiday is a congratulatory word in honor of the hero of the occasion. If you want your speech to sound interesting and memorable for a long time, provide it with a beautiful introduction.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - pen.
Step 1
Any congratulatory text consists of three main components: a greeting word, congratulations (with the indispensable mention of the occasion for the celebration) and wishes. It is in this order that you need to build your speech.
Step 2
If you are not an excellent speaker and master of impromptu, prepare a congratulation text in advance. Write down the words you want to say on paper and read them several times. Practice out loud if necessary. Such a thorough approach to business will allow you to speak easily and confidently during the celebration.
Step 3
An important aspect of the welcome speech is the address. If you congratulate relatives, then you can easily contact them, since you communicate in a family circle. It is advisable to start a congratulatory text addressed to a colleague or boss with the name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion.
Step 4
A fascinating incident from the life of the birthday boy will help to make the beginning of congratulations intriguing and unusual. Tell those present an interesting episode in which you were a witness or direct participant. For example, on your son's birthday, remember how you celebrated his first birthday, tell the funny little things about this unforgettable event. At an official event, you can start congratulating with the words that your colleague or boss is not only an excellent specialist and a true master of his craft, but a person who is passionate about many interesting hobbies, a wonderful friend, and so on. The main thing is that your words are not familiar and correspond to the atmosphere of the celebration.
Step 5
After the introductory part, proceed to congratulations and wishes. These elements of a festive speech also need to be prepared based on the characteristics of the event and the person to whom you are addressing them. Your words will have the greatest effect when spoken sincerely and from a pure heart.