How To Host A Japanese-style Party

How To Host A Japanese-style Party
How To Host A Japanese-style Party

Instead of the next corporate party or the usual get-togethers with friends, you can hold an unusual Japanese-style party that will be remembered for a long time. It will not be difficult to organize such an event, because in any supermarket you can easily buy rolls and sushi, which will become the main dishes of the festive menu.

How to host a Japanese-style party
How to host a Japanese-style party

Interior, costumes and music for a Japanese party

When organizing a Japanese-style party, prepare the interior. Subdued light, wall fans, ikebana in vases and pots, oriental incense and floating candles will be appropriate. All this is not so expensive and can be easily found in various shops of the city. You can hang the walls with red, white and dark brown fabrics.

A Japanese-style party also presupposes an appropriate appearance. Imagine how unusual it will be for you and your guests to see yourself in the form of a beautiful geisha or a brave samurai. The outfits of the guests can be the same or completely different. Traditional Japanese images: samurai, geisha, anime heroes, sumo wrestlers. Clothes - colorful wrap-around robes and blouses, kimonos, wrestling training clothes. Makeup: pale skin, expressively large and brightly lined eyes, red lips.

Girls can pull their hair into a high bun or "bump", and men can simply smooth it with a gel or put it with a varnish, as today's Japanese "freaks" do.

Sounds of nature (rustle of foliage, noise of a waterfall, etc.) or Japanese music, traditional or in modern processing, are perfect as an unobtrusive background music. Such songs can be easily found on the Internet or purchased on CD-ROM.

Fun Japanese Style Party Contests

"Japanese conversation"

As you know, letters in the Japanese alphabet have syllabic pronunciation. Try to talk for a while, adding a syllable to each word. For example, for the first participant it can be the syllable "mi", for the second - "pi", for the third - "co" or "ko", etc.

In addition, you can hold a competition for the best pronunciation of the most difficult letter of the Japanese alphabet - "p". In this language, such a letter has a sound between "l" and "r", while the language should be on the palate.

"Theater" Kabuki"

This kind of art originated in ancient times. In traditional kabuki theater, only men could perform, and they also played female roles. Such entertainment is reminiscent of the Venetian theater and the European art of pantomime.

Competition "Who is Better?"

Almost any theme is suitable here: the best fan, outfit, hairstyle or make-up, the best green tea maker.

What kind of food should be present at a party in Japanese

Food is an integral part of any holiday. In the midst of the party, the amused guests will want to have a bite to eat. You can brew real tea, which should be served in a special teapot, yourself. But with dishes and snacks, the situation is a little more complicated.

For a Japanese dinner, rolls, sushi, rice, as well as hot seafood and fish dishes are best suited. The technology for preparing such dishes is quite complicated, so it is better to buy overseas delicacies in a supermarket or just order sushi and rolls by phone with home delivery.
