Flowers are the most popular gift. Some give whole bouquets, others present one flower at a time. Here it is as convenient to anyone. Just remember, when you are going to give one flower, choose the one that has a large bud. It can be a rose, carnation, large chrysanthemum, gladiolus, lily. The French have found out that giving flowers with meaning is only worth taking into account the age of the person, his position in society and the reason for which the bouquet or flower is presented.

Step 1
A rose is a symbol of love and beauty, and its color can tell a lot about the thoughts of the donor. In the language of flowers (and not only roses), special importance is given to the symbolism of colors.
Step 2
Red and white roses in one bouquet mean unity, pink roses will emphasize the gracefulness of nature (they also mean tenderness and hope), and yellow ones mean the joy of communication. The feeling of burning desire is best expressed by giving coral or orange roses. The burgundy or dark red color of the buds will emphasize the insane beauty of your beloved.
Step 3
A bouquet of pink roses can be presented by a sensitive, romantic person who is touching and tender towards the person to whom this bouquet is presented. A single rose speaks of the giver's modesty and goes well with a gift. Anyone who chooses roses with purple buds is a subtly and deeply feeling person who is guided by eternal values and takes his environment with all seriousness. Fresh orange shades, in addition to longing desire, symbolize optimism and affection. Yellow and scarlet roses can also be given as a sign of expressing violent feelings. The white rose is a symbol of innocence and purity.
Step 4
Some other flowers also play a role similar to the rose: tulips, red chrysanthemums, carnations. They, too, seem to say with their appearance: "I love you." Daisies will compliment the beloved's charm and beauty, and lilies will show the true irresistibility of nature. And it is customary to give lilacs only once, since it is the flower of the first love. Gardenia is good for shy and timid people, as it expresses hidden love, helping to make it explicit (unless, of course, the "object" of your desires is familiar with the language of flowers). Violets express affection, and daffodils can play a trick on vanity.