What clothes to choose to match the symbol of the coming year? What shade will become relevant, and what is the year of the Fire Rooster preparing for us? In the article you will find recommendations for choosing a dress for a holiday.

For the holiday you need to be in the "native" color according to the Chinese calendar. Royal red with all kinds of accessories. If you choose a dress of a different color, add red lipstick to the look.

Another trendy color of the coming year is blue and all its shades. Fabrics can be from soft silk to satin. Blue should also be added to makeup and accessories - there are many options. For a greater effect, you can choose fabrics in wine color or in berry tones - a great reason to draw attention to yourself. And only for the most daring - nudity. In cosmetics, an emphasis should be placed on beige and pastel colors. Clothes should not be chosen too revealing, but also not very closed, in order to emphasize and highlight your merits. By adding a sky blue color, give the image tenderness and weightlessness. In the year of the Fire Rooster, woody color in all shades will become a topical expectation.

The most desirable color will, of course, be gold. It can be added to makeup with accessories, or worn on dresses to stay in the spotlight. It is not necessary to be in only one color; it is possible to mix or add various shades of blue, red, gold, walnut and berry-grape.