In the life of every person there are many holidays, the center of attention on which he himself becomes. A birthday, a promotion at work, a wedding, the birth of a child, and many other events put you in the position of receiving congratulations and gifts. And this, too, must be able to do according to all the rules of etiquette.

Step 1
When accepting gifts from guests, try not to give preference to one or the other, try to restrain your emotions, even if one of the gifts delighted you or, on the contrary, horrified. It would be more appropriate to thank the guests in the same polite tone. Show respect for the person who took care of the souvenir and did not come to you empty-handed. Be polite regardless of the fact that you are accepting the third identical gift in a row, or are simply tired of standing and holding out your hands.
Step 2
Having received a gift in your hands, do not throw it aside. If it is handed over personally, then it is necessary to deploy it in front of everyone. Otherwise, you show disrespect to the guest. Thank for the gift, taking your eyes off it, you need to look at the donor, and not at the thing.
To avoid such situations and save time considering gifts, arrange a special table somewhere in the corner for them. So you will definitely not offend the donor with your reaction and will not make the guests bored.
Step 3
Often, guests on holidays want to express their congratulations. Try to create the right setting and atmosphere for this. Do not let other guests interrupt the speaker, do not be distracted yourself. At the end, thank for the wish and smile at the guest - he is worthy of reward for his words. Watch your facial expressions and gestures during the guest's speech, the bored hero of the occasion can deeply offend the guest, thereby ruining the relationship with him.
Step 4
Remember that gifts such as sweets, spirits, and other gifts are more appropriate to serve than to take away from guests. This is a good form and should not be discarded. Put the resulting flowers in vases and bring them to the room with the guests. So you will not only decorate the room, but also show gratitude to the guests for their care.