How To Paint Eggs For Easter. 5 Original Ideas

How To Paint Eggs For Easter. 5 Original Ideas
How To Paint Eggs For Easter. 5 Original Ideas

It is customary to paint eggs for Easter. Previously, this was done using onion peels. But now there are many ways and methods to create real beauty on an egg shell. The methods are so simple that even children can handle it.

How to paint eggs for Easter. 5 original ideas
How to paint eggs for Easter. 5 original ideas

Painting eggs for Easter is one of the most exciting parts of the holiday. There are more and more ideas, options and materials for dyeing eggs every year.

Dry boiled eggs well and put on a stand (bottle cap). Apply patterns on the shell with wax crayons. The heat of the eggs will melt and creep the wax, forming unusual transitions. The most important thing is to choose a beautiful color scheme for staining correctly.

Wrap hard-boiled eggs in colorful square pieces of foil and carefully secure the material with glue. You can additionally decorate with beads and ribbons.

Quite a traditional way to decorate Easter eggs. But the most important thing in using stencils is imagination and a sense of style. A pre-prepared stencil moistened with water on thin paper is applied to a boiled egg and painted in any way. It should not be forgotten that the color scheme and pattern should be in harmony.

Voluminous, unusual and stylish “sweet laces” are ideal for a festive table for Easter. For coloring, you will need icing sugar and water. Water is added to a glass of powdered sugar until it becomes thick sour cream. Having transferred the resulting mixture into a confectionery syringe, you can safely apply volumetric patterns. Next, the egg needs to dry out.

Easter eggs look incredible and stylish using the mosaic effect. And the staining method is very simple and affordable. The shell must be beaten with a spoon and only then held in the chosen dye. Pulling out the finished egg, you will get a very original and unusual color.

Festively and stylishly painting eggs for Easter is not only a custom, but also an exciting process for the whole family. The main thing is to show imagination.
