A witness is the person at the wedding who is always next to the young, makes sure that the glasses are full, and the bride and groom are not bored. He entertains guests, participates in competitions and does not forget to show his attention to the bridesmaid.

It has long been customary that the most cheerful and daring of friends of the groom was invited to the role of a witness. Previously, the witness was called "friend". If you are privileged to be a witness, then keep in mind that this role involves not only fun and fun, but also a serious approach to your duties.
So that the wedding goes well, and your friends do not reproach you for inaction, study the duties of a wedding witness, the main of which is the role of the "right hand" of the spouse, his advisor and assistant.
A good witness should definitely take over the organization of a fun bachelor party. It is necessary to hold such an event together with the groom, having previously discussed all the nuances, although pleasant surprises prepared on your initiative will be quite appropriate.
The main thing is to observe the measure and show a sense of tact. Be sure to make sure that during the bachelor party, the future spouse is not particularly fond of alcohol, especially if the celebration is scheduled for the day after the party. The main duty of the witness is to deliver the groom to the registry office without the smell of fumes and bruises under the eyes, so keep your eyes on your friend.
On the wedding day, it is better to come to the groom's house a little earlier than agreed, since it is the witness who should help him tie a tie, straighten his shirt, and just give him moral support, because the groom is most likely very worried on the eve of such an important event. That is why it is better to keep things like wedding rings and passports with you in order to prevent unpleasant incidents.
Arriving at the bride's house, be prepared for the fact that her bridesmaids will not give up so easily, and will demand a ransom from you, so prepare champagne, sweets, small souvenirs and money in small bills in advance, so it will be more convenient for you to trade.
Think in advance how and how you will respond to your girlfriends so that the ransom becomes spectacular and fun, and does not turn into a banal booth.