Birthday Games For Adults: Be Creative

Birthday Games For Adults: Be Creative
Birthday Games For Adults: Be Creative

An abundant feast with conversations, viewing photos or home videos is too boring for a birthday. It is more interesting to diversify the holiday not only with dances on a limited patch of free space, but also with a competitive program with games.

Birthday games for adults: be creative
Birthday games for adults: be creative

It is more logical that the toastmaster of the evening was not the birthday man himself, but his close friend or relative. Depending on the venue of the holiday, on the number of guests, you should pick up about a dozen fun contests and games (in total). In nature or in the large hall of the cafe, you can arrange a relay race with the division of guests into several competing teams. At the same time, you should not set complex sports tasks for the participants. The funnier and simpler the competition, the better.

Whose knees?

The driver is chosen by lot. He is blindfolded and placed in the center of the playground. The rest of the participants sit around in random places. The blind driver sits down on someone's lap. The player he sat on must remain calm and not give himself away. Everyone asks: "Whose knees?" If the driver guesses, then the next seated player becomes the player who was boarded.

Pass the ball

The company is divided into equal teams - male and female. They put them face to face in a row opposite each other at a distance of two meters. The first contestant from the line squeezes an inflated balloon between his knees and hands it to the girl, who, in turn, hands it over to the second participant in the male row. And so on, until the last player has the ball. The point is not to crush the ball. If this happens to someone, then the player is eliminated. The team with the largest number of participants wins.

Zealous Reader

Men stand in a line facing the audience. Each is given a page of a newspaper. Holding it in an outstretched right or left hand, the participant will have to tear the sheet into as small pieces as possible without the help of the second hand. The winner is the one who does the best job.

Ferry candy

Several competing male-female pairs are selected. Each pair has a bucket. At a distance of 7 meters, there is a chair with a plate in which sweets are laid out. The task of the players is to put their partner on their back, deliver her safe and sound to a chair with sweets, where she takes one candy, and return to the bucket to place a sweet trophy there. The winner is the couple who have collected more candies in a certain time.

Most flexible

The two tallest assistants of the presenter are selected, approximately the same in height. The rest of the guests are participants. The assistants, with their hands raised up, pull a 3-meter rope. Participants are invited to go under it without touching or bending forward, only leaning back. Gradually, the rope gets lower and lower, and the number of players decreases. The most flexible who manages to get under the lowered rope without hitting it wins.
