In the old days, Christians spent the whole week before Easter in worship. And on this day they tried to do some pious deeds - they helped the poor and gave alms. Today people rarely visit temples. But if you have not completely separated yourself from religion, Bright Sunday is just the event when it is worth visiting the church. And it is better to do this with the whole family, as it has always been customary in Russia.

Step 1
The celebration of Easter begins with a divine service. If you cannot attend all night, come early in the morning. Prepare a basket of food for the consecration. Be sure to put Easter cake, pies, small bread, dyes, sausage, boiled pork, bacon, etc. there. This will break your fast at home. Consecrate food, light a candle for the health of all the living, and pray.
Step 2
When you return home, perform your ritual Easter wash. To do this, put an egg consecrated in the temple in a basin of clean water, and wash your face and hands with this water. It is believed that this will give beauty to girls and health to all family members.
Step 3
Start your festive morning meal with a cake consecrated in the church. Also divide the products brought in the basket among all family members. After that, you can eat everything that you have prepared for the holiday the day before.
Step 4
The festive table is usually very beautiful and plentiful. First of all, it consists of a traditional baked lamb. If a real lamb is not supposed to be on the menu, make at least its confectionery embodiment: a lamb must be there. In addition, decorate the table with boiled pork, ham, jellied dishes, duck or goose with apples, pies with different fillings. Paints should also be in a conspicuous place.
Step 5
Eat leisurely. You shouldn't grab everything on the fly and run away. Sit with your family and talk. You should feel joy, calmness, peace. You are together, with the whole family - what else could be more important in this world?
Step 6
Relax, do what gives you pleasure on this day. It is very good if you pay more attention to your children. There are many traditional Easter activities. Try it - the kids should like it.
Step 7
You can arrange a contest for them to find colored eggs and prizes. To do this, buy a lot of all sorts of interesting little things in advance - sweets, stickers and small toys. And slowly, unnoticed by the children, hide them in different (preferably unusual) places in the room or in the summer cottage. The search for these "treasures" will bring extraordinary pleasure to children. You can complicate the game a little by asking the children to solve the rebus or look for secret notes, collecting which you can find an indication of the location of the "treasure".
Step 8
Organize the famous Easter egg rolling game. To do this, make a small "slide" with sides. Lay out various small items at the bottom. You need to take an egg and roll it down this slide. The item touched by the testicle goes to the winner. In fact, this is not a very simple matter, because the egg is not round and rolls wherever it pleases.
Step 9
There is also a tradition of "clinking glasses" with eggs. They are taken by two rivals, one boiled egg each and beat against each other. The one who does not break the egg in his hand wins. The secret is to find a reliable "tool" (this is achieved only with experience), more comfortable to take it in your hand and find the "weak" spot in the egg in the hand of another player.
Step 10
No matter how you celebrate this big and bright holiday, try on this day to forget about all worries and old grievances, to forgive people for their sins and bad deeds. Enjoy being together.