Even a cold and slushy November day can become bright and cheerful, if you think in advance where and with whom you want to spend it. It's okay that the summer entertainment has already ended, and the winter has not yet arrived. On a holiday, something interesting can be found even in a small town or village, not to mention a metropolis.

Step 1
A holiday is a good reason to go to a district or regional center. It is better to plan your trip in advance. Go to the website of the regional administration. In the "Culture" section, you will certainly find an announcement about a festivities or a holiday in a cultural center, where everyone can come. It may very well be that a festival or an exhibition is taking place in the nearest regional center on these days.
Step 2
Many sporting events take place on National Unity Day. Among them you can find those that anyone can apply for, alone or with a team. Why not gather friends and take part, for example, in city orienteering competitions, track and field athletics, family relay races? You can find the information you need on the website of the city sports committee or local administration. No one bothers to organize themselves, for example, a city quest, when at the end of each stage the participants receive new encrypted tasks, and at the end of everyone there will be some surprise. By the way, such a game can be organized for both pedestrians and cyclists or motorists.
Step 3
On holidays in theaters and concert halls, as a rule, there are not only evening, but also daytime concerts and performances, so you can arrange a holiday not only for yourself, but also for your children. Thematic programs are not obligatory at all, in many theaters and concert halls the most usual performances and concerts are held for them. Please note only that it is better to take tickets for a holiday in advance, because there will probably be more applicants than on a weekday.
Step 4
How long have you been to the cinema? The times when the same film was shown in the cinema all day are long gone, so it is better to study the repertoire first. By the way, in many modern cinemas you can not only watch an interesting film, but also have a pleasant evening in a cafe or club located in the same building.
Step 5
A traditional place where you can spend a festive evening is a cafe or restaurant. It is unlikely that there will be much more people wishing to have a tasty dinner in a cozy atmosphere than usual - corporate parties for the November holidays are usually not satisfied. But it’s better to book a table anyway.
Step 6
You can have good fun on a festive night in the nightclub. Now, almost everyone, regardless of age and income, can find a similar institution to their taste and material capabilities. Nightclubs offer their visitors a variety of programs, here you can dance or just sit with friends, or even listen to a good concert.