The first of April can be celebrated in a fun way at school by organizing fun contests. The main thing is to keep your funny intentions in strict confidence, otherwise the holiday has the risk of breaking down.

It is necessary
Fresh jokes, new magazine cover, little quiz souvenirs
Step 1
The cover of the school magazine should be changed for one day. You can wrap the magazine in a new way, stick funny faces of students on the old cover, write anecdotes, etc. At first glance it will seem that the magazine is forever ruined, but in fact all the pranks of the students will be just on an easily removable cover.
Step 2
Interesting quatrains that correspond to the profile of the subject can be glued to the numbers of school classrooms. For example: "physics is not a simple science, this is not lyrics for you, you can't guess here", etc.
Step 3
On April Fool's Day, you can arrange a self-government day when students teach science to teachers. Students can dramatize the teaching style of a particular teacher and the behavior of students who are not doing well. From the outside, an often unpleasant situation in the lesson will seem very funny and, perhaps, a compromise will be found.
Step 4
During breaks, you can turn on the music and suddenly start dancing the waltz in the corridors. Of course, teachers should not be initiated into this idea (a surprise for them), and students should definitely prepare in advance: learn several paired movements, choose music, and rehearse the dance with the whole class.
Step 5
Why not change the dining room menu? Let it turn into a gourmet restaurant for the day, where students will serve. You can also form a menu from ordinary school dishes, but they should be called differently. Thus, when handing over the menu to one of the teachers, you can subtly advise you to try, for example, "Paradise Delight in Africa". In fact, this dish consists of cutlets, symbolizing the hot continent, and mashed potatoes, the softness of which testifies to heavenly delight.
Step 6
You should also play a trick on the students. For example, take the manner of their speech, tell a few funny stories that are not related to the subject of study, arrange a quiz with gifts to identify the most resourceful students.