On the eve of the holiday, any girl is always tormented by two questions: what to give a guy and how to give him to pleasantly surprise him. Even the most ordinary thing can be profitably presented using our advice and including imagination. After the gift is selected, you can start preparing the presentation process itself.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - colored markers;
- - fun mood.
Step 1
Preparation. On each small piece of paper, write the text of the riddle or task that the young man should complete. It is better to make all entries with colored markers. Tasks can also be in the form of puzzles or puzzle drawings. Each challenge should push the guy to the place where another puzzle lies. For example: "Kiss me and give me such and such a thing." It is not hard to guess that next to this thing he will find the following riddle.
Step 2
We hide pieces of paper with tasks. In the room where the gift will be given, it is necessary to lay out these riddles, in accordance with the plan of action. Take advantage of the moment when you are alone. It is better to do all this in his absence, just before presenting the gift. If at least one piece of paper is found ahead of time, the whole surprise is down the drain. You don't have to tell him to leave the room and just stand outside the door. Think of something, take it.
Step 3
Presentation of a gift. It is logical if your young man, having completed the task, will find the gift itself on the last piece of paper. But there are many options. For example, if a guy is not touchy and has a good sense of humor, arrange so that the last piece of paper leads him to the thing he dislikes the most. And bear with it. Of course, at first he will not believe, and will wait for a real gift, but you cannot give up. Invite him to the table, offer to take a walk, and when he already understands for sure that all the surprises are over, with a triumphant air, hand him what you so carefully saved up to please him.