For a long time, many people associate the celebration of the New Year with noisy and cheerful companies of friends. Indeed, what could be better? After all, you can organize an event with friends, remembering which will be pleasant both in the coming years and in future years.

Step 1
Invite those friends with whom you will not be bored, who are always cheerful and in a good mood, those who will help set the New Year's table and clean the house after a fun celebration.
Step 2
Choose a place to celebrate the New Year. For example, such a cozy place as an apartment or a spacious private house, or a country cottage far from civilization, or a noisy and cheerful nightclub. Those wishing to celebrate outdoors can organize an outdoor New Year's Eve party. There are many options and each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.
Step 3
A week before the holiday, make a menu for the evening, based on which, write a list of necessary products. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the taste preferences of friends.
Step 4
Plan out clearly what to do on New Year's Eve. Write on a large piece of paper your daily routine for December 30 and 31, so that you can find time to clean and decorate your apartment in between preparing meals. In the process of preparing for the celebration, you involve some of the most devoted and responsible friends, having warned in advance that you will need their help.
Step 5
You can start buying essential products a week before the holiday. So, in advance you can buy alcohol, canned food, some long-stored fruits and vegetables. The day before the holiday, or better on December 31st, buy perishable food. After your final shopping trip, start preparing your meals.
Step 6
Regardless of the chosen place of celebration, whether it be an apartment or a clearing in the forest, it must be decorated with bright garlands, New Year's lanterns and Christmas tree decorations. Compositions of candles will help to create a magical atmosphere of an approaching miracle.
Step 7
Organize a fun fancy dress party for your friends. To do this, ask the invitees in advance to come in carnival costumes. For out-of-shape friends, prepare some simple costumes in advance. For the whole evening and New Year's Eve, forget about the names, everyone is now called the same as the hero of the costume.
Step 8
Do not forget about fun contests, small gifts for friends, round dances around the Christmas tree, playing snowballs and, of course, a festive mood.