Is It Possible To Make Noise At Night In The New Year

Is It Possible To Make Noise At Night In The New Year
Is It Possible To Make Noise At Night In The New Year

Some people like to "make some noise" when celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, for example, throwing a noisy party with dancing in their apartment, setting up fireworks, singing karaoke and so on. But these actions are a violation of the law, non-observance of which is punishable by administrative responsibility.

Is it possible to make noise at night in the New Year
Is it possible to make noise at night in the New Year

The question of whether it is possible to make noise on the night of December 31 to January 1 especially worries those people who plan to celebrate the New Year with a large company, as well as those who cannot imagine a holiday without music. After all, even ordinary conversations in full tone and playing songs on an ordinary mobile device have a noise of more than 40 dB (the maximum permissible sound volume at night).

In Russia there is a law "on silence", which should be observed by all citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation. The regulations of each region of the country have their own time frames when it is allowed to make noise and when it is strictly prohibited. For example, in Moscow and the region on weekends and on holidays (and the New Year is a holiday), you cannot make noise from 22.00 to 10.00, in St. Petersburg - from 23.00 to 8.00. In most other regions of Russia, it is forbidden to make noise from 22.00 to 10.00 on the New Year. Exceptions are the Novosibirsk Region and the Altai Territory. In Novosibirsk and the region, on the night of December 31 to January 1, it is not prohibited to make noise in apartments from 22.00 to 4.00, and in the Altai Territory - from 22.00 to 6.00.

Until what time can you make noise in the New Year according to the law

New Year is no different from any other holiday, and you cannot make noise on the night of January 1. Violation of the law "on silence" threatens with administrative responsibility. For individuals, the amount of the fine does not exceed 1000 rubles, for officials - 3000, for legal entities - 20,000 launching fireworks, turning on music at full volume, and more.
