It is believed that on the night of October 31 to November 1, all evil spirits appear. On this day, it is customary to dress up in scary costumes and hold noisy parties, which should be unusual, unlike all other holidays. There should be "eerie" fun on them.

Step 1
Create a "scary" atmosphere in the room. Arrange “body parts” on shelves, tables, windowsills: for example, small Viennese sausages resemble severed fingers. Put small onions in a jar and fill it with water - rather than eyeballs.
Step 2
Pour some ketchup into a bowl. Dip your palms into it and make "bloody" prints on doors, mirrors and windows. Housewives do not have to worry - ketchup is well washed.
Step 3
In the middle of the living room, use masking tape or silver tape to make a pentagram on the floor. Light candles in the middle, and forbid guests to intercede for her.
Step 4
And, of course, the music for the party. Choose music for fun and noisy dances. Michael Jackson's Thriller album is perfect. Horror movie soundtracks such as Sleepy Hollow and scary sounds: creak of floorboards, doors, sudden screams, sighs will help create an eerie environment. These sounds can be cut from audiobooks.