Organization of family celebrations is troublesome and costly. Invitations to family and friends have been sent out, and all the thoughts of the hosts are busy with how to meet the guests, how to feed them tastier. If you are having a party not in a cafe or restaurant, but at home, the main task is to draw up a festive menu and purchase the necessary ingredients. Often, pre-holiday chores turn into a headache, what to do with the products remaining after the celebration.

No need to think that if your festive table is full of delicacies, then your guests will eat it all. Probably every housewife had to deal with a situation where most of the carefully prepared dishes remained intact.
To keep the guests satisfied, and to keep time and money safe, an approximate set of products for the festive menu can be as follows:
- two types of salads - it is better to serve them individually in portioned plates;
- assorted vegetables - Korean carrots, Peking salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes;
- cold cuts - smoked sausages, boiled pork;
- assorted fish - smoked meats;
- cold snacks - fish in batter, fried chickens;
- one hot - let it be the dish that you do best;
- fruits - 3-4 types, depending on the season;
- soft drinks - mineral water and natural juices;
- alcoholic drinks - based on the preferences of your guests.
If champagne is one of the drinks, take care of a decent snack to it. It can be oysters, caviar sandwiches, cheese slices. You can do with fresh strawberries or dark chocolate. Serving sauerkraut or stewed potatoes with this elegant drink, you see, is not at all appropriate.
Separately, you need to think about a treat for the tea table. There is enough beautiful cake and several types of sweets.